
More comprehensive examples please

Opened this issue · 3 comments

How do I set the bar at the bottom of the screen?

I dont quite understand where to add set-bottom in the river/status

also how do you set the font pixel size? the example in the README doesn't specify a pixelsize.

Lastly, can I remove/disable things like window title, wm mode/layout ?

I agree that the examples need improving.
You can set your bar to be on the bottom by appending -bottom when running the sandbar binary. Font size is set by adding :size=n to the font name. For example:

while cat "$FIFO"; do :; done | sandbar \
	-font "LiterationMono Nerd Font:size=16" \
	-active-bg-color "#9D3232" \
	-inactive-bg-color "#222222" \
	-title-bg-color "#222222" \


You can set the bar at the bottom by passing in -bottom on invocation like @realcharmer suggested, or you can write all set-bottom / all set-top into sandbar's stdin to change it at runtime. If you have a fifo setup like the one shown in the readme, you can do this:

echo 'all set-bottom' > "$MY_FIFO_PATH"

you can replace all with your specific output name if you want

realcharmer answered your second question, just pass -font "${MY_FONT_NAME}:size=${MY_FONT_SIZE}" as an argument

As for your third question, the -no-title option exists to disable the window title, but nothing for the wm mode and layout. For now, you can probably just comment out these lines: https://github.com/kolunmi/sandbar/blob/main/sandbar.c#L412-L423 and you'll get the effect you want

the example on the readme was contributed. What in particular could use improvement?

I agree that the examples need improving. You can set your bar to be on the bottom by appending -bottom when running the sandbar binary. Font size is set by adding :size=n to the font name. For example:

while cat "$FIFO"; do :; done | sandbar \
	-font "LiterationMono Nerd Font:size=16" \
	-active-bg-color "#9D3232" \
	-inactive-bg-color "#222222" \
	-title-bg-color "#222222" \

This was very helpful, thanks! Perhaps the readme should show an example with with all the commandline options for dumdums like me :P

Side note: -font "My Font:size=10.5" does not work for me. What worked was -font "My Font-10.5"


You can set the bar at the bottom by passing in -bottom on invocation like @realcharmer suggested, or you can write all set-bottom / all set-top into sandbar's stdin to change it at runtime. If you have a fifo setup like the one shown in the readme, you can do this:

echo 'all set-bottom' > "$MY_FIFO_PATH"

I'm just a little confused by the all and status
I have echo "all status $battery $volume $datetime" >"FIFO" and thought that I needed to keep status in order to show the status's... therfore my first thought was to just add in set-bottom like so:
echo "all set-bottom status $battery $volume $datetime" >"FIFO" which didn't quite work.

I've just set the command line option in the bar script which works fine.

you can replace all with your specific output name if you want

Not quite sure what else I'd replace all with exactly.

As for your third question, the -no-title option exists to disable the window title, but nothing for the wm mode and layout. For now, you can probably just comment out these lines: https://github.com/kolunmi/sandbar/blob/main/sandbar.c#L412-L423 and you'll get the effect you want

That worked! would love for it to become a command line option in the future so I don't need to hack the source.

One more question for now..

Id like to be able to separate the inactive-bg-color and inactive-fg-color between the TAGS and the STATUS ie. Set the status-fg-color and status-bg-color for my status output to be different to that of the window tags. I'd also like to have the option to set urgent and critical colors also for high temps, low battery etc.

There doesn't seem to be an option for this yet? Is this possibly something you'd consider implementing?
