
can I set request headers instead of FFmpeg default's

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request headers info:
`2016-04-06 14:28:00.717 baikan[490:140078] request: GET /proxy.php?vid=24l44L39L43L42L24L36l54L40L28L34l56L32L58l32l39l22L22l HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: Lavf/55.37.101

Accept: /

Range: bytes=0-

Connection: close

Host: sproxy.meiyouad.com
2016-04-06 14:28:00.773 baikan[490:140078] header='HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
2016-04-06 14:28:00.773 baikan[490:140078] http_code=200
2016-04-06 14:28:00.774 baikan[490:140078] header='Set-Cookie: BAEID=4698FB7FFF2F8B40791B195752FA104C:FG=1; path=/; version=1'
2016-04-06 14:28:00.774 baikan[490:140078] header='Content-type: text/html'
2016-04-06 14:28:00.774 baikan[490:140078] header='Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 06:28:00 GMT'
2016-04-06 14:28:00.774 baikan[490:140078] header='Server: BWS/1.0'
2016-04-06 14:28:00.774 baikan[490:140078] header='Content-Length: 94'
2016-04-06 14:28:00.774 baikan[490:140078] header='Connection: close'
2016-04-06 14:28:00.775 baikan[490:140078] header=''
2016-04-06 14:28:00.786 baikan[490:140078] Statistics: 94 bytes read, 0 seeks
2016-04-06 14:28:00.788 baikan[490:140078] Unable to open file, proxy.php?vid=24l44L39L43L42L24L36l54L40L28L34l56L32L58l32l39l22L22l
2016-04-06 14:28:00.875 baikan[490:140078] <KxMovieDecoder: 0x1b973210> dealloc`

Now i want to cheat server validation with the video url, so need to set some headers in request as follows:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://www.meiyouad.com/pc.html
Cookie:BAEID=8B28EE6B01506AA48FBAAF2567E525C8:FG=1; cqy=
and so on. how can i do? thx!

same problem with you!! Have you solve it?