Helm install failure {"statusCode":400,"message":"Unexpected token k in JSON at position 132","error":"Bad Request"}
scott-dunt opened this issue · 2 comments
Won't install on K8s V1.16.13 on Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
Added komodor chart repository successfully!
Installing Komodor, this might take a minute
Komodor install failed...
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: timed out waiting for the condition
{"statusCode":400,"message":"Unexpected token r in JSON at position 115","error":"Bad Request"}
(using another toolset....) I find that the watcher pod is not starting:
Error creating: pods "k8s-watcher-5557f7875c-" is forbidden: pods with system-cluster-critical priorityClass is not permitted in komodor namespace
Seems to be related to: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1636292
regarding the forbidden priority class, it seems that you have configured a resource quota that limits the creation of pods with system-cluster-critical
priority class in new namespaces
see this doc for more information on limiting priority classes to namespaces
to resolve this, you can edit the watcher deployment with the following command:
kubectl -n komodor edit deployment k8s-watcher
remove the following configuration priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
and save the deployment
I would expect that to fix the issue
That fixed it.. thanks for the quick response..
Sorry it took me a while to test it out and post an update.