
Register Instance name unique?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I've two servers running the same app, do I have to add unique names to each one? I see user online connected to both servers but one user doesn't see the other as online.

No, you don't need to use different names, the name exists to identify the "cluster", each instance has a unique ID.

I can't understand your problem, can you explain more or create a exemple running that I could test?

Ok, let me describe the setup better:

  • I've 2 different servers running
    • Same app code
    • Same mongodb

I've a chat that shows your status and other users status so:

  • User A is online in it's own client
  • User B is online in it's own client
  • User B is online in A client
  • User A is offline in B Client

I'll try to find what could be causing the issue and create an example if I can't find the issue but it would be great if you have any idea on what could be the issue here.

Makes no sense because the user status "online, offline, etc" is saved in user's record, so Meteor broadcast this change to all clients.

Display the user status is responsibility of meteor’s reactivity, this package only update the status in user's record based on user interactivity with client view, logoffs, and processes disconnections.

Can you verify the field "status" in database of the 2 users when this problem occurs?

Thanks @rodrigok ,it was finally an issue with app not reading away status and showing it as offline.
