
Hex values appear in random places when using the in-line editor

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When selecting the hinted colors from the in-line editor, they don't appear where you would expect them to. On the attached image you can see that the value 'c0ffee' appeared next to the head tag instead of the css.
This is without any other add-ons installed.

Yeah, that's a bug in Brackets. In the CSSCodeHints Plugin, the default CSS autocompletion, they use a hack to solve the problem.

I am not sure, whether I should wait for an official bug fix in Brackets or I should temporarily implement this hack to make it work. What do you think?

If that's the case maybe it's better to just leave it clean as it is and wait for the official fix.

So, I think, that the bugfix from the brackets team won't be in a near future, so I fixed this issue now with the same hack the CSSCodeHints extension is using.