
If i use Raspberry PI3 instead?

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Hello if i use Raspberry PI and MAX30100 what will be the code and Packages?

If you want to use a Pi, you will need to adapt the code to use the Pi GPIO. It would be tricky to do.

@st118173 I couldn't find a reasonable way to get the MAX30100 working on a Raspberry Pi so knocked together a Python version of this library, here: https://github.com/mfitzp/max30100

hi just reading you're talking about using it on a Rpi, I tried to make a library based on @mfitzp files but for the MAX30102, and I have a problem with the FIFO reading part, and the changes in the writePointer and readPointer, I hope you can help me through the functionality of this registers, I tried to burst read the FIFO each 6 bytes(the 30102 works with 6 bytes instead of 4) but there's no way I get the right measures :(

is there has someone done with raspberry on MAX30100?
Please shown me how to do it?


is there has someone done with raspberry on MAX30100?
Please shown me how to do it?

or any Max3010x