
What is the correct way to fire a custom event using react-konva

rrrepos opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying out how best to fire an event named 'foo'. The following is the relevant code:

const App = () => {
  const Shape1 = (props) => {
    const onDragMove = (e) => {
       const target = e.target
       const shape2 = e.target.getLayer().findOne('#shape2')
      if(shape2) {
     return <Rect  id="shape1" .... onDragMove={onDragMove} />

  const Shape2 = (props) => {
     return <Circle id="shape2" ... onFoo={(e)=>{console.log('foo received')} />

// return the canvas
   return (
                   <Shape1  x={..} y={..} width={..} height={..}/>
                   <Shape2  x={..} y={..} radius={..} />

The custom event does not get fired. What is the error I am doing? Thanks

My bad. It works now