
[RFE] Dynamic Reports - Incident: Add some indication of the source code language

Closed this issue · 4 comments

When rendering the codeSnip of an Incident in the UI, we would like to use syntax highlighting where possible. If the language is known and we can provide a language property on the Incident (or somewhere on the Issue or File or wherever it makes sense), the UI can have some supported list of languages it knows how to highlight. If the language is missing or unrecognized the UI can fall back to no syntax highlighting.

As part of this we should also determine the list of supported languages for which we need syntax highlighting.

@pranavgaikwad do you think the detection based on filename extension is sufficient and we should close this?

For now, the filename extension should be sufficient. I don't think that we should try to do anything else that is too fancy IMO

Works for me.