
With auth disabled, operator fails due to missing Keycloak

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One of the last steps in the install-tackle.sh is to wait for the "Successful" condition type to be true as a confirmation that Konveyor was successfully installed.

kubectl wait --namespace konveyor-tackle --for=condition=Successful --timeout=600s tackles.tackle.konveyor.io/tackle

However, with auth disabled (ie. feature_auth_required: false) the condition will never become true because the operator is looking for keycloak.org/v1alpha1.Keycloak that isn't being installed. See the CR below:

apiVersion: tackle.konveyor.io/v1alpha1
kind: Tackle
    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
  creationTimestamp: "2023-05-04T03:46:59Z"
  generation: 2
  name: tackle
  namespace: konveyor-tackle
  resourceVersion: "131068"
  uid: f16a0268-aab9-412b-9998-771ca7624302
  admin_fqin: quay.io/konveyor/tackle2-addon:latest
  feature_auth_required: false
  hub_image_fqin: quay.io/konveyor/tackle2-hub:latest
  image_pull_policy: Always
  pathfinder_image_fqin: quay.io/konveyor/tackle-pathfinder:1.3.0-native
  ui_image_fqin: quay.io/konveyor/tackle2-ui:latest
  windup_fqin: quay.io/konveyor/tackle2-addon-windup:latest
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-05-04T03:54:45Z"
    message: ""
    reason: ""
    status: "False"
    type: Successful
  - ansibleResult:
      changed: 0
      completion: 2023-05-08T19:36:05.506907
      failures: 1
      ok: 24
      skipped: 49
    lastTransitionTime: "2023-05-08T19:36:05Z"
    message: Failed to find exact match for keycloak.org/v1alpha1.Keycloak by [kind,
      name, singularName, shortNames]
    reason: Failed
    status: "False"
    type: Failure
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-05-08T19:36:05Z"
    message: Running reconciliation
    reason: Running
    status: "True"
    type: Running