
Openshift recommendations has errors

Closed this issue · 2 comments

"status": 201,
"message": "Container recommendation generated!",
"containerization": [
"Name": "App",
"Desc": "string",
"Cmpt": "string",
"Valid": true,
"Ref Dockers": "1. {'openjdk_Linux': 'https://access.redhat.com/containers/#/registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/openjdk-11'}",
"Confidence": 0.56,
"Reason": "Containerization feasibility unknown for COTS applications: Apache Tomcat, MySQL",
"Recommend": "Partially Containerize"

The input is

"Name": "App",
"Desc": "string",
"Cmpt": "string",
"OS": "{}",
"Lang": "{'java': {'Java': ''}}",
"App Server": "{'tomcat': {'Apache Tomcat': ''}}",
"Dependent Apps": "{'mysql': {'MySQL': ''}}",
"Runtime": "{}",
"Libs": "{}",
"Reason": "",
"KG Version": "1.0.0"

@SalaiMadhavan investigated the issue. He found that MySQL and tomcat have Redhat Linux based images. Thus if someone provides Mysql and tomcat without specifying OS, it may not return the relevant result.