
Deploy TCA Docker image to Quay.io

Closed this issue · 1 comments

As a User of TCA.
I need a way to run TCA without having to build my own Docker image
So that I don't need to create a proper Python 3.8 development environment


  • Not everyone who wants to use TCA is going to have a Python 3.8 development environment with sqllite to build the needed knowledge graphs
  • The recent problems we had with #94 Unable to connect to Database would have been avoided if we supplied a pre-built image
  • Other Konveyor projects make their tools available on the quay.io/konveyor Docker registry
  • If we push our Docker image to quay.io then users will not have to build them
  • Recommend we call the image: quay.io/konveyor/tackle-container-advisor

Acceptance Criteria

Given  the TCA Docker image is available on quay.io
When I use the command: `docker run -d -p 8000:8000 quay.io/konveyor/tackle-container-advisor`
Then I will have TCA running on my `localhost` at port `8000`
