
Error while running tx2graph with method level abstraction

rahlk opened this issue · 0 comments

rahlk commented

Describe the bug
When I run tx2g by itself with method level abstraction, I error out:

neomodel.exceptions.RequiredProperty: property 'node_class_name' on objects of class MethodNode

To Reproduce

Run dgi --abstraction method tx2g --input path/to/transaction.json

Expected behavior

❯ dgi --abstraction method tx2g --input transactions/daytrader/transaction.json
Verbose mode: ON
[INFO] Clear flag detected... Deleting pre-existing SQLTable nodes.
[INFO] MethodTransactionLoader: Populating transactions
100%|███████████| 158/158 [00:13<00:00, 12.01it/s]
Transactions populated