
Investigate using GitHub Projects instead of ZenHub

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Given that ZenHub no longer simply works with GitHub and now requires users to sign up at their site, I did an evaluation of GitHub Projects as a substitution to ZenHub. While it is inferior to ZenHub in a lot of ways (no story points, no Epics, no burndown charts, no velocity charts, no reporting of any kind) it is probably fine for our purpose of simply keeping work visible on a Kanban board because we don't size stories or use epics or burndowns on this project anyway. It is primitive but passable (no worse than GitLab's kanban hack)

Given that other Konveyor projects are using it, I suggest we move to it so that others don't have to sign up at ZenHub just to see our Kanban board. In general, I would not recommend that an Agile team use it because of all of its other deficiencies but it's fine for Kanban.