
Tackle DiVA Docker image should be hosted on quay.io with other Konveyor images

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Users of Tackle DiVA should not have to clone a repo and build their own Docker image. We should host an "official" image on quay.io with all of the other Konveyor tools.

I propose that we call the image tackle-diva and change the documentation and scripts to point to: quay.io/konveyor/tackle-diva for all commands related to running DiVA stand-alone. This should simplify its use.

Along with this the README.md and ./distrib/bin/diva_docker script should be updated to use the new image.

Hi, I wanted to try the demo app tutorial as described in the md, but I am not even able to run the script as it can't find the image to run. I am getting the following error:

petarmaksimov@Petars-MacBook-Pro doa % ./doa-gen-yaml.sh -o /tmp/out -i start_up.sh https://github.com/saud-aslam/trading-app
DiVA-DOA wrapper
running container diva-doa:latest...
Unable to find image 'diva-doa:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for diva-doa, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See 'docker run --help'.

How am I suppose the build image locally, it is obviously not available in any registry out there! Would you please give me a hint?

@petarmaksimov I would open a separate Issue about this.

It looks like doa-gen-yaml.sh is expecting you to build the image locally. If you change line 47 from this:


To this:


It will pull down the latest image from quay.io and should work for you. I would still open an issue to update the documentation and script.