
Question: Does combo search only support of a subset of filter operators?

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I ask because I have this situation:

I have a list of tiddler names (>100) that I want to do a batch add field operation. As a trial I created a temporary tiddler workingTemp with field 'list' whose value is set to [[All Else Equal]] [[Allegro Vivace]]. If I do an advanced search using the filter [list[workingTemp]] I get as expected All Else Equal and Allegro Vivace. However using Commander combo search [list[workingTemp]] I get 0 matches.


PS. Thanks for making this plugin it has been a huge time saver.

If your workingTemp list field contains TidOne TidTwo TidThree
The commander works fine with [list[workingTemp ]] but when the entries have [[...]] it fails!
So this is a bug! I will investigate