
Search and replace regex/non-regex flag, and filter differences found flag [Improvement request]

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I think it'll improve the search and replace functionality by adding non-regex flag. It gets very annoying having to escape certain symbols and I have to look at the help section to remember which symbols are meant to escape. Not all of us have good memorisation skill, or maybe some of us just aren't familiar with regex.

I think it would be even better if this flag is added to every possible search operations. So that regex can be used if needed, and turn off of when it isn't.

This will also help a lot of trouble having to go look at the the differences since non-regex search is more certain than annoying regex operations that could produce unexpected results due to the regex symbols -- also which is very unhelpful since the differences does not list only tiddlers that found to have match/differences, it list even the tiddlers that found no matching string to replace. I believe this need improvement as well. Maybe a default enabled flag that filter only found differences.

Thank you for creating and maintaining this amazing plugin! We hope to see it become even better!

This issue is written according to latest 2.1.5 commit.

Thank you! I will have a look to see how the search-replace can be improved.