
Equivalent of `helm-grep-save-results`?

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Sorry if I've misunderstood something here about helm, as it's only recently I've been using it more than superficially.

I would like with helm-grepint to save results for eyeballing and later use in a persistent buffer. With the built-in grep support, the solution seems to be helm-grep-save-results. I don't see anything similar in helm-grepint; have I overlooked something?

There is the helm-grepint-grep-action-mode which is the second action when helm is enabled (the first action is jumping to the specific file and line). The second action can be triggered e.g. with F2. This creates a new grep-mode buffer of the current contents of the helm window.

Unfortunately I haven't used it that much so there might be rough edges. At least one problem might be that it names the buffer as * grep-mode <buffer-name>* where the name of the buffer where the helm-grepint was started (that most likely has very little to do with the actual contents of the grepping).

Thanks! Sorry, it seems it's just my being unfamiliar with helm that is the problem here. I shall let you know if I find any issues, of course.