

pascalvenema opened this issue · 5 comments

According to user Zarylo on Stackoverflow:

overleaf apparently supports plantuml by running a plantuml server for diagram generation, meaning you only need to set it to use the lualatex engine in the project settings.

Does anyone have any sort of reference for this? I can't seem to get this package to work in Overleaf:


When creating a blank output-plantuml.tex file, the PDF compiles but no figure gets generated. I have the compiler set to LuaLaTeX.

I also run into this.
I set up LuaLatex with TexLiveVersion 2023

The SO question to answer is https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/718772/plantuml-in-overleaf-is-not-working-with-lualatex.

A first step is to check if --shell-escape works. See https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/291413/9075 for details.