Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs on Android
- 2
- 8
Android11 GifImageView Crashed
#769 opened - 5
GifImageView displaying animated GIF flickers
#767 opened - 6
- 7
GifView not supported below android 6
#764 opened - 3
- 2
- 3
memory leak when gif infinite loop
#761 opened - 2
#760 opened - 1
Not showing .gif uri
#759 opened - 1
- 1
#757 opened - 1
crash on targetSdkVersion 30
#756 opened - 7
A null pointer exception occurred
#752 opened - 2
- 3
- 1
#748 opened - 3
targetSdk=30, cause 100% crash when loading gif in Dialog component,but is ok in other issue.
#746 opened - 2
Remove animation on `GifTextureView`
#745 opened - 6
Gif image running flashing
#744 opened - 1
- 4
- 2
java.lang.RuntimeException: Canvas: trying to use a recycled bitmap android.graphics.Bitmap@c5c4510
#741 opened - 3
Version 1.2.19 causing compile time errors.
#740 opened - 1
- 1
Does it support loading webp animation?
#738 opened - 11
- 3
MavenCentral meta data character encoding
#733 opened - 3
GIFs with transparent background flicker
#732 opened - 3
Cannot build. NDK is old than mine
#731 opened - 9
- 2
Android 10
#729 opened - 1
does it sport background transparency ?
#725 opened - 1
- 2
miss armeabi library again
#722 opened - 1
#721 opened - 4
Build native part of the lib
#720 opened - 2
- 4
- 2
- 1
- 1
Veracode issue ReLinker.java
#715 opened - 5
link library on my own .cc
#713 opened - 1
How to add to proguard?
#712 opened - 20
Cant compile CMakeLists.txt
#711 opened - 2
the so' name is Error
#708 opened - 1
Gif stops playing
#707 opened - 0
#706 opened - 1
#705 opened - 4
h.a.b.b libpl_droidsonroids_gif.so
#704 opened