
Track open Discord PR's to implement

BartArys opened this issue · 8 comments

This issue exists to track PRs/issues on the discord-api-docs repository that document API changes/additions/removals.
Implementing these isn't a priority until they get merged to the main branch. Feel free to comment on this issue or notify one of the devs on discord If you find any open PRs/issues that are not tracked in this list.

New field pending in guild member object discord/discord-api-docs#2299
Document welcome_screen field on guild object discord/discord-api-docs#1636

Document Screen Sharing endpoints: discord/discord-api-docs#2396

Document Screen Sharing endpoints: discord/discord-api-docs#2396

Pls update this to membership screening and not screensharing

discord/discord-api-docs#1762 should be added to this

discord/discord-api-docs#2855 new banger feature to implement

Luexa commented


There's a new version property on application command objects that needs to be added to ApplicationCommand and ApplicationCommandData. It's a snowflake that represents the "id" of the latest update to the slash command registration, so it's very useful if you want to track the latest version of a slash command registered with a guild (or globally).

Thanks for the heads up!

Luexa commented

New feature User Commands and Message Commands! In other words, custom right click actions on users and messages. Reuses endpoints for Slash Commands; these are generalizations of Application Commands similar to how Message Components are generalizations of Buttons and Select Menus. discord/discord-api-docs#3614

I made a separate issue here too (#365), sorry if that was the wrong thing to do, but it does seem like a major-ish feature?