
Slash command responses not working when running bot on a VDS when using embeds

H4kt opened this issue · 2 comments

H4kt commented

I was just about to host my bot on a VDS when I stumbled upon this strange behavior.

VDS in running on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
Java version used to run the bot: 17.0.1 2021-10-19 LTS

Here is a piece of code for a command executor:

val response = interaction.deferPublicResponse()

response.respond {
    embed {
        title = ":white_check_mark: Connected"
        description = "Connected to ${channel?.asChannel()?.name}"
        color = Colors.SUCCESS

This results in an infinite "Bot is thinking message"

When I'm running the same code on my PC everything works just fine

Removing the embed and sending a plain text response using content property works fine on a VDS.

I tried wrapping response.respond with a try-catch block but no error shows up
I'm wandering what the issue is, because I don't really know how embeds work under the hood


Could you provide logs on trace level?

Check the wiki on how to set it up if you haven't

H4kt commented

Stupid me didn't even think of trying to enable trace level.
The issue is not with your library but with my code using AWT Color class to parse hex values for colors.
Sorry for opening this useless issue in the first place