
AppImage build fails

Frenzie opened this issue · 9 comments

@NiLuJe I assume it's probably related to some of your recent changes. :-P


appimagetool: error while loading shared libraries: libcairo.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

PS I now manually added the both of us under Project → Settings → Integrations → Pipelines emails so these things shouldn't fly under the radar in the future anymore.

By default GitLab only tells you about pipelines you triggered yourself.

Well, not exactly "forever", but circa end of January 2017.

Oh you're right, I only glanced at it since I was focused on other things and didn't realize it was after the build process.

The simple fix might be to switch to the 1.0 release? I don't really feel like updating the Docker image for something simple like that atm, lol.


To be perfectly fair, I did break AppImage recently ^^. But that was fixed in #722

(That was after having broken Ubuntu Touch & fixed it in #721 :D).

I just figured Cairo was a dep for MuPDF or something; I don't really know what the command-line AppImageKit tool would even need that for.

Yeah, switching back to the latest release should do the job.

The culprit appears to be the libappimage related commits (AppImage/AppImageKit@310bcd0), because that appears to be where the cairo dep comes from.

Don't cross the streams! :D