
Efficient Pre-training of Masked Language Model via Concept-based Curriculum Masking

Primary LanguagePython

Efficeint Pre-training of Masked Language Model via Concept-Based Curriculum Masking

Concept-based Curriculum Masking (CCM) is a training strategy for efficient language model pre-training. It can be used for pre-training transformers with relatively lower compute costs. Our framework masks concepts within sentences in easy-to-difficult order. CCM achieves comparative performance with original BERT by only using 1/2 compute costs on the GLUE benchmark.

This repository contains code for our EMNLP 2022 paper: Efficient Pre-training of Masked Language Model via Concept-based Curriculum Masking. For a detailed description and experimental results, please refer to the paper.


Results on the GLUE dev set

BERT (small, 14M) 38.0 88.7 82.8 82.0 59.2
CCM (small, 14M) 42.8 89.1 84.1 83.3 61.3
BERT (medium, 26M) 44.9 89.6 85.4 82.7 60.3
CCM (medium, 26M) 48.0 90.9 86.7 83.6 61.4
BERT (base, 110M) 49.7 90.8 87.8 85.4 67.8
CCM (base, 110M) 60.3 93.1 88.3 85.5 65.0
BERT (small, 14M) 76.8 88.4 85.8
CCM (small, 14M) 77.5 88.6 86.3
BERT (medium, 26M) 78.9 89.4 87.6
CCM (medium, 26M) 80.0 89.2 87.6
BERT (base, 110M) 81.7 90.4 89.5
CCM (base, 110M) 84.1 91.0 91.4


  • Python 3
  • Transformers 1.1
  • Numpy
  • pytorch

Download conceptnet

Download ConceptNet assertions.

# Download assertions in the data folder.
$ wget ./data/assertions.csv https://s3.amazonaws.com/conceptnet/precomputed-data/2016/assertions/conceptnet-assertions-5.5.0.csv.gz

# run concept_extraction.py 
$ python ./script/concept_extraction.py


Curriculum Construction

Use ./script/basicconcept_selection.py to create the first stage of the curriculum with basic concepts which are connected with many other concepts in the knowledge graph and frequently occur in the pre-training corpus.

  • --conceptnet_path: A path to preprecessed conceptnet file.
  • --topk_connected_concepts: Top k concepts that are connected to many other concepts in the knowledge graph.
  • --corpus_dir: A directory containing raw text files to turn into MLM pre-training examples.
  • --delete_threshold: Frequency threshold to filtering rare concepts.
  • --basicConcepts_num: Set the number of basic concepts used for the curriculum.
  • --save_path: A path to save the set of basic concepts.

Use ./script/curriculum_construction.py to construct concept-based curriculum with basic concepts.

  • --conceptnet_path: A path to preprecessed conceptnet file.
  • --num_of_hops: Set the number of hops for adding related concepts to the next stage concept set.
  • --basic_concept_path: A path to load the set of basic concepts.
  • --save_dir: A path to save the set of concepts for each stage of the curriculum.
  • --num_of_stages: Set the number of stage for the curriculum.

Data Pre-processing

Use ./script/curriculum_construction.py to identify concepts in the corpus and arrange them along with the curriculum.

  • --corpus_dir: A directory containing raw text files to turn into MLM pre-training examples.
  • --save_dir: A path to save the pre-processed corpus.
  • --curriculum_dir: A directory containing the concept-based curriculum.
  • --process_num: Set the number of CPU processors for the pre-processing.

Pre-train the model

Finally, use ./script/pre-training.py to pre-train your models with the concept-based curriculum masking.

  • --curriculum_dir: A directory containing the concept-based curriculum.
  • --lr: Set the learning rate.
  • --epochs: Set the number of epochs.
  • --batch_size: Set the batch size for conducting at once.
  • --step_batch_size: Set the batch size for updating per each step (If the memory of GPU is enough, set the batch_size and step_batch_size the same.
  • --data_path: A directory containing pre-processed examples.
  • --warmup_steps: Set the number of steps to warmup the model with the original MLM.
  • --model_size: Choose the size of the model to pre-train.

Contact Info

For help or issues using CCM, please submit a GitHub issue.

For personal communication related to CCM, please contact Mingyu Lee <decon9201@korea.ac.kr> or Jun-Hyung Park <irish07@korea.ac.kr>.