How to install?
bradseefeld opened this issue · 1 comments
This is a bit of noob question, so I apologize. I am coming to TypeScript with Angular2 and I am still working to understand typings
. I am not sure how to install this package, complete with the ConsoleAppender, and BasicLayout. Here's what I am doing so far:
npm install log4ts --save
typings install npm:log4ts --save --global
This allows me to import Logger and LoggerConfig:
import { Logger, LoggerConfig } from "log4ts";
But ConsoleAppender, and BasicLayout cannot be found. If I try to add these to my import, I get:
Module 'log4ts' has no exported member 'ConsoleAppender'
Looking at the source, I can see that neither BasicLayout, nor ConsoleAppender are included in the main index.d.ts
file. These have their own definition files, however. I assume you structured it this way so that I could import the implementations of the appender/layout I want, and leave the others omitted.
This is where I am stuck. How do I "typings install" those other definitions?
I have tried: typings install npm:log4ts/build/appenders/ConsoleAppender.d.ts --save
, which installs this type definition in my typings.json
, but I still cannot import.
import { ConsoleAppender } from "log4ts";
import { ConsoleAppender } from "log4ts/ConsoleAppender";
Both of those fail with the same error as before.
My typings.json
currently looks like this:
"globalDependencies": {
"core-js": "registry:dt/core-js#0.0.0+20160602141332",
"jasmine": "registry:dt/jasmine#2.2.0+20160621224255",
"log4ts": "npm:log4ts/build/log4ts.d.ts",
"node": "registry:dt/node#6.0.0+20160720070758",
"selenium-webdriver": "registry:dt/selenium-webdriver#2.44.0+20160317120654",
"source-map": "registry:dt/source-map#0.0.0+20160317120654",
"uglify-js": "registry:dt/uglify-js#2.6.1+20160316155526",
"webpack": "registry:dt/webpack#1.12.9+20160724112410"
"dependencies": {
"log4ts": "npm:log4ts/build/appenders/ConsoleAppender.d.ts"
The log4ts dependency in my package.json
looks like: "log4ts": "^0.4.1"
Was able to get some help on stack overflow: