
Install icon into 'hicolor'

Opened this issue · 7 comments

pharlap.desktop specifies the used icon as hwbrowser.
On my FedUp'ed K21 installation only the Elementary theme includes an icon with that name. OTOH several icon themes ship a hwinfo icon.

Therefore I propose:

  • Change the .desktop file to point to hwinfo (see my upcoming PR).
  • Install a fallback hwinfo icon into /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps

Hi @KAMiKAZOW thanks for the report. We have addressed this in a testing version, do you mid testing it?

sudo yum --enablerepo=korora-testing update pharlap lens

Wait, I totally misread your report, and got it confused with korora-welcome. Thank, I'll look into this and get back to you!

How about we just create a pharlap icon, and put it in hicolor and reference it directly instead of using hwinfo?

  • for now the icon could just be the hwinfo icon from Numix or something

Using hwinfo would have the advantage to be already available in various icon themes.


OK, I've pushed a package to testing repo if you want to try it out.

sudo yum --enablerepo=korora-testing update pharlap lens