
Dockerize opensquat

Primary LanguageDockerfile


alt text

What is openSquat

openSquat is an opensource Intelligence (OSINT) security tool to identify cyber squatting threats to specific companies or domains, such as:

  • Phishing campaigns
  • Domain squatting
  • Typo squatting
  • Bitsquatting
  • IDN homograph attacks
  • Doppenganger domains
  • Other brand/domain related scams

It does support some key features such as:

  • Automatic newly registered domain updating (once a day)
  • Levenshtein distance to calculate word similarity
  • Fetches active and known phishing domains (Phishing Database project)
  • IDN homograph attack detection
  • Integration with VirusTotal
  • Integration with Quad9 DNS service
  • Use different levels of confidence threshold to fine tune
  • Save output into different formats (txt, JSON and CSV)
  • Can be integrated with other threat intelligence tools and DNS sinkholes

As an opensource project, everyone's welcome to contribute.

Dockerized OpenSquat

This is a dockerized version of openSquat.
Kudos to @atenreiro / https://github.com/atenreiro

Basic usage

Clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/korteke/opensquat-docker.git

Modify the config/keywords.txt file according to your needs. Mount config -directory to container.

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -k /app/config/keywords.txt

Usage exmaples from openSquat

    # for all the options
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -h
    # With DNS validation (quad9)
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -k /app/config/keywords.txt --dns
    # Subdomain search
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -k /app/config/keywords.txt --subdomains
    # Check for domains with open ports 80/443
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -k /app/config/keywords.txt --portcheck

    # With Phishing validation (Phishing Database)
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -k /app/config/keywords.txt --phishing /app/config/phish_results.txt

    # Save output as JSON
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -k /app/config/keywords.txt -o /app/config/output.json -t json

    # Save output as CSV
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -k /app/config/keywords.txt -o /app/config/output.csv -t csv

    # Conduct a certificate transparency (ct) hunt
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -k /app/config/keywords.txt --ct

    # Period search - registrations from the last month (default: day)
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -k /app/config/keywords.txt -p month

    # Tweak confidence level. The lower values bring more false positives
    # (0: very high, 1: high (default), 2: medium, 3: low, 4: very low
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -k /app/config/keywords.txt -c 2

    # All validations options
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/config:/app/config korteke/opensquat -k /app/config/keywords.txt --phishing /app/config/phishing_domains.txt --dns --ct --subdomains --portcheck