
Update JSON-Schema to version Draft-07

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any progress on this? what time and effort would it take? maybe can help out

@jacobbogers Unfortunately, didn't work on it yet. I don't expect it is a really tough, but it can be a couple of days work.
Sure, I would appreciate any contribution, also can help with reviews and hints. Do you want to work on it? Would be great!

ok cool, so it implements draft 6 fully right, ? let me take a looksi, found your project via the benchmark page, you are the fastest , but not support draft 7, If i do it will queue it for next weekend ๐Ÿ‘ท (contribute other opens source projects)

Right, the 6th draft is implemented. Good luck and let me know if you need any help!

ahem draft-8 is now impending.

16 September 2019: Draft 2019-09 (formerly known as draft-08) has been published! :)

@korzio draft-07 is a fairly straightforward superset of draft-06

draft 2019-09 has more substantial changes, but we are hoping that it will be the stable base for finalizing the standard. There are a few of the new areas where we still need some feedback to finish things up. Note that OpenAPI 3.1 will use JSON Schema draft 2019-09, which will remove one of the main reasons people have stayed on older drafts.

Thanks @handrews , hopefully we'll be able to implement new standard versions soon

@korzio hey, I didnt know you were in Amsterdam or I'd have come said hello. I'm in the market for a new JavaScript JSON Schema validator, and DJV could well be it. If you can get 2019-09 support in there then absolutely. Do you have an OpenCollective we can support?

Hey @philsturgeon Thanks! Next time you are in Amsterdam - let me know ๐Ÿ˜„No, don't have OpenCollective yet, would you suggest to start it?

Any idea of when draft-08 is supported?

@korzio I'll be there next week after API Days Paris, we can chat over a beverage.

@korzio @Relequestual just set up an OpenCollective for the JSON Schema project so he might have thoughts on that.

@handrews thanks!
We have chatted with @philsturgeon openAPI
If you guys @Relequestual have any proposals anyways, would be glad to hear.
So far draft7 is in plans, but not in wip unfortunately.

@korzio Happy to chat about this if you'd like! Please find / DM me on the JSON Schema slack =]