
Failing tests on json-schema-benchmark

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Hi @korzio
Great module you have!

I've created , and I'm currently in the process of updating the benchmark https://github.com/ebdrup/json-schema-benchmark to use the latests version of the JSON schema test suite in this PR https://github.com/ebdrup/json-schema-benchmark/pull/44/files#diff-923bb3ac7231e7efc1f5ffdbc1cf3489R18

In the link above you can see that djv seems to be failing a lot of the tests, and that would exclude djv completely from the benchmark - I would hate to exclude djv from the benchmark (It was the fastest JSON Schema verifier in the last testrun). Is there something wrong with the testing I'm doing or are the failing tests something you want to take a look at before I update the benchmark?
Some of the other validators seem to handle the new tests fine...