Playbook fails on copying response file.
Closed this issue · 3 comments
barthex commented
TASK [oracle_install : make a copy of the response file] *************************************************************************************************
fatal: [oradb12c]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Source /tmp/oracle/database/response/db_install.rsp not found"}
kosalaat commented
Check whether Zip file copy completed successfully. If you can't find the db_install.rsp file in the specified path, you might need to cleanup /tmp/oracle/database folder rerun the playbook. Specifically:
barthex commented
Ok, after copying the zip it's ok. Earlier I skipped unpacking the zip by suggesting a directory with the unpacked zip to "save" time. Thank You.
kosalaat commented
Unless there is a reason why you can't let the playbook copy the zip files, you can still skip that, by unzipping (like you tried), and create the file "copied" inside the database folder, so the playbook assumes it has everything it needs to continue.
Thanx for closing this issue.