`rememberViewModel` throw `NotFoundException` when you pass Kotlin function as an args
GSculerlor opened this issue · 3 comments
GSculerlor commented
says we have a ViewModel and a function as the argument.
class SomeViewModel(private val fooArg: (Foo) -> Bar) : ViewModel()
val SomeViewModelModule: DI.Module
get() = DI.Module(name = "module name") {
bindFactory { fooArg: (Foo) -> Bar ->
SomeViewModel(fooArg = fooArg)
when you try to retrieve the ViewModel via Kodein rememberViewModel
it will throw NotFoundException
due to it expects the args passed as a Function1<*, *>
org.kodein.di.DI$NotFoundException: No binding found for SomeViewModelModule, with argument Function1<*, *>
at org.kodein.di.internal.DIContainerImpl.factory(DIContainerImpl.kt:208)
at org.kodein.di.DIContainer$DefaultImpls.factory$default(DIContainer.kt:32)
at org.kodein.di.internal.DirectDIBaseImpl.Factory(DirectDIImpl.kt:18)
at org.kodein.di.compose.android.KodeinViewModelScopedFactory.create(KodeinViewModelScopedFactory.kt:18)
at androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider.get(ViewModelProvider.kt:187)
at androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider.get(ViewModelProvider.kt:153)
at androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelLazy.getValue(ViewModelLazy.kt:53)
at androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelLazy.getValue(ViewModelLazy.kt:35)
we previously used our own simple wrapper to retrieve the ViewModel
remember {
viewModelClass = VM::class,
storeProducer = { viewModelStoreOwner.viewModelStore },
factoryProducer = {
object : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
return direct.instance<A, VM>(tag = tag, arg = arg) as T
GSculerlor commented
....and apparently, it doesn't work well with Pair
and Triple
either. am I missing something here? Is it expected to retrieve an arg with primitive type only?
romainbsl commented
I found the issue. It was a problem of generics erased while retrieving dependencies.
Version 7.20.2 should fix it.
GSculerlor commented
thank you, tested on 7.20.2 and it does fix the issue.