
Kubernetes cluster unreachable

jcputter opened this issue · 4 comments

Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get "http://localhost:8080/version": dial tcp connect: connection refused

I'm doing the following to pass kubeconfig

      - name: Set Kube Config
        run: |
          aws eks update-kubeconfig --name ${{ env.CLUSTER_NAME }} --region ${{ env.AWS_REGION }}
          echo 'KUBE_CONFIG_DATA<<EOF' >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo $(cat ~/.kube/config | base64) >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo $(cat ~/.kube/config)
          echo 'EOF' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo $(cat ~/.kube/config)

confirms the correct details

     - name: Deploy DB
        uses: koslib/helm-eks-action@v1.25.4
          command: "helm upgrade --install db --namespace=${{ needs.build.outputs.branch }} --create-namespace ./dbs/mariadb --set tag=${{ needs.build.outputs.branch }} --wait"

Hello @jcputter, can you post the snippet which shows how this action is used and the env keys/values provided?

sure, i updated the original post

@jcputter I have almost identical setups and it works for me. Can I propose two ideas to try out?

  1. Stick to the same setup however pin the action's version to v1.25.2
  2. Try out the experimental branch (instead of a version tag) to confirm it's not any dependency version issues

Also can you somehow confirm the correct value ends up in the github env?

Confirming that fixing version to v1.25.2 solves the issue for time being.