
Installation problem : no styles or javascript

12luisalmeida opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Hi, after run the commands on the installation guide I'm having this:
screen shot 2018-08-11 at 21 14 15

Any idea about what i am doing wrong?

kossa commented

The URL should be something like : http://localhost:8888/admin


It doesn't work.
It gives me "The requested URL /laradminator/admin was not found on this server."
But I can acess the login page of laradminator however doesnt have a background image. if i use the test@exanple.com login i can acess dashboard but it looks as you saw in the previous image I uploaded here. Thnaks for you attention.

BTW I'm using MAMP as my localhost.

kossa commented

Run : php artisan serve under laradminator

Ok.. if I run php artisan serve it works but I wanted to run it on my mamp server.

kossa commented

You have to create new host and make the document root to public folder like :


Thanks man. Consider this solved.