
Can you give us a guide to do it from scratch?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I want to know how to do it by my own, for future projects.


kossa commented

Can you give me more information ? integrate what ? and which kind of projects ?

Create a video tutorial on how to integrate a webpack template step by step or maybe a doc. Thanks for answering!

// Any kind of projects, cms, landing pages, quoteers, Captive portal, etc

kossa commented

Aha I see there is a lot of tutos on laracast or youtube like : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ipu43Qo-C0 and full projects like ecommerce or social network

I you prefer books here is a great book : https://vuejsdevelopers.com/2017/11/20/vuebnb-full-stack-laravel/

My concern is :

Instead of following the steps of the video, you copied the files that we need to the path "resources / js"; You also put all the dependencies that we need in the package.json file and created a .js file where you imported the necessary js files like " import './masonry'; ".

p.d: you also made a webpackConfig in laravel mix, ** it would be great to know how it works**

Thanks for asnwering! and if i write something weird or bad pleases tell me. My grammar in english is poor.

I tried to do that too but i cant have all the functionality, idk if is because i dont know how to use the mix.webpackconfig or just is a js file that i need to import

btw if you know about a good book or video tutorial about laravel please let me know (beginner to expert)
v 5.7

kossa commented

For video tutorial i suggest you to use laracast.com or udemy.com