
Can't access admin url

waiyan112 opened this issue · 2 comments

In this release can't access admin route. is ok. ( 404)

Don't show any errors.
I can see only 404 not found.
I have done these steps.

git clone https://github.com/kossa/laradminator.git

cd laradminator

composer install # Install backend dependencies

sudo chmod 777 storage/ -R # Chmod Storage

php artisan storage:link # Enable link to storage

cp .env.example .env # Update database credentials configuration

php artisan key:generate # Generate new keys for Laravel

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed # Run migration and seed users and categories for testing

yarn install # or npm i to Install node dependencies(>= node 9.x)

npm run production # To compile assets for prod

Sorry My false.

kossa commented

I think you forgot the port in the url :)