
Element creation

titoshadow opened this issue · 6 comments

I know this is kinda demo, but should item creation work out of the box ?

I'm not sure if I broke something or there is no element creation form, since the only "form" blade needs to receive an -item-, so looks not suitable to create new ones.

kossa commented

Really I didn't understand what you meant, if you want the app without data, just avoid - -seed in migration

I'm talking about adding new users (or anything based on vanilla blades you have), for example
Form blade works okey with edition, but adding or creating new elements fails

kossa commented

I checked on my server : https://laradminator.bel4.com/admin/users, it works fine



Got it, I'm filling the fields when editing, so once again its my fault, thanks !

I'm working in Spanish and English translation, will try to pull request if you are interested :)

Wonderful !
I've got something like that from caouecs but quite a bit more developed for my use case