
RTL - scss helpers issue

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Well, i'm trying to fix all rtl related issues and i came accross a positionning one.. to make it simple here's a portion of code found in resources/sass/spec/utils/layout/helpers/positions.scss

@for $i from 0 through 4 {
  .t-#{$i} { top: #{$i}px; }
  .r-#{$i} { right: #{$i}px; }
  .b-#{$i} { bottom: #{$i}px; }
  .l-#{$i} { left: #{$i}px; }

  @if ($responsive == true) {
    @include generateResponsive() {
      .t-#{$i}\@#{$breakpointAlias} { top: #{$i}px; }
      .r-#{$i}\@#{$breakpointAlias} { right: #{$i}px; }
      .b-#{$i}\@#{$breakpointAlias} { bottom: #{$i}px; }
      .l-#{$i}\@#{$breakpointAlias} { left: #{$i}px; }

the rights and lefts should logically be inversed in rtl.. therefore, i created a positions.scss file in a newly created /resources/sass/rtl subfolder and imported it in the rtl.scss file, here's(a portion of) its content :

@for $i from 0 through 4 {
  .t-#{$i} { top: #{$i}px; }
  .r-#{$i} { left: #{$i}px; }
  .b-#{$i} { bottom: #{$i}px; }
  .l-#{$i} { right: #{$i}px; }

  @if ($responsive == true) {
    @include generateResponsive() {
      .t-#{$i}\@#{$breakpointAlias} { top: #{$i}px; }
      .r-#{$i}\@#{$breakpointAlias} { left: #{$i}px; }
      .b-#{$i}\@#{$breakpointAlias} { bottom: #{$i}px; }
      .l-#{$i}\@#{$breakpointAlias} { right: #{$i}px; }

this way, a <div class="r-1"></div> would have a left:1px; css property...

Now here's the issue, the way we import rtl makes it so that we import app.scss as well as rtl.scss
app.scss imports the first positions.scss file(located in resources/sass/spec/utils/layout/helpers/positions.scss)
then rtl.scss imports the newly created positions.scss file(located in /resources/sass/rtl)

Therefore, a <div class="r-1"></div> would have a left:1px(generated by the newly created positions.scss) AND a right:1px; property (generated by the old positions.scss)..
This would lead to many unwanted behaviours in rtl... I hope i made myself as clear as possible

My proposition is that instead of telling the user to uncomment the rtl line in the head tag.. we should duplicate the files imported in app.scss, change them accordingly for RTL, import the duplicated and changed files to rtl.scss then ask the user to choose between importing app.css or rtl.css. This way we make sure to not have any conflict.

We can even add a configuration variable for rtl and import the rtl.css file only when it's set to true ! It feels(to me at least) more like how it should be done

kossa commented

Go ahead