
instrument colorization

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Great project!

Potential extension: colorizing the midi file by channel or instrument (for multi-channel/instrument midi files).

Hello, thank you for using MIDIVIsualizer!

If I understood your suggestion correctly, you can already achieve this in MIDIVisualizer (since v5.2):

  • in the 'Notes' section, enable 'Per-sets colors'

  • in the 'Define sets' dropdown, you will then be able to define what is a set : either per-channel, per-track, per-key, or using an arbitrary note to split the keyboard in two sets. Capture 2021-10-31 à 12 11 58

  • all color settings are now replaced by dropdowns where you can specify 8 colors, one for each set Capture 2021-10-31 à 12 12 11

I know that this setting is a bit hidden and that the labels are probably unclear, so I would welcome any suggestion to improve this 🙂

Please let me know if this helped (or if I misunderstood your suggestion)!

Perfect, thanks!