
Visualizer won't show the different defined color sets unless "Chromatic" option is unchecked and then rechecked after launch

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Upon relaunching Midivisualizer with saved configuration file with 'Per Set Colors" checked, and DefineSets->Chromatic checked and Notes->Notes->"color sets" defined with 12 different colors, Midivisualizer will just assign the one color to all notes played at first. If one then checks another option besides Chromatic and then RESELECTS Chromatic, then the correct color sets as selected under Notes->Notes->"color sets" will show just fine.

MacOS latest OS Ventura 13.5.1
M2 Pro 32Gb

Latest MidiVisualizer 7.1 released 5 days ago

I'll include my MidiVisualizer config.ini file as well, but since '.ini' files are not a supported attachment type, I've renamed the .ini to .txt

Thanks for you work on this amazing project!
midivisualizer-color2 copy.txt

Hello, thank you for reporting this issue! I'll see if I can replicate it on macOS. Just to make sure I've understood the issue properly, we are talking of the following steps:

  • In MIDIVisualizer, edit and save a config file with "Per sets colors", "Chromatic" and 12 different colors sets.
  • restart MIDIVisualizer, the config is automatically loaded
  • when playing, the notes are all the same color when they should not
  • re-toggling the "Chromatic" options fixes the issue

Is this correct?
Thanks again!

Exactly! Thanks for your incredible app!

I know you're busy. I am hoping this problem might be a straightforward fix... if you have the chance. I use the program everyday for teaching and starting the program, then unchecking and checking the Chromatic option, then p for play and i for hide is tedious :)

Thanks for this program.