
Query a field with the condition "isGraterThan"

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I am using this pluggin and my target is to get the nearby documents AND to additionally filter based on a timestamp (if the upload of the location is old I would like to ignore it).

Everything is working greate and also if I use the isEqualTo condition it can filter out the required document. Once I add a condition like isGreaterThan it is first of all throwing an error:
package:cloud_firestore/src/query.dart': Failed assertion: line 492 pos 13: 'conditionField == orders[0][0]': The initial orderBy() field "[[FieldPath([position, geohash]), false]][0][0]" has to be the same as the where() field parameter "FieldPath([lastpositionupdate])" when an inequality operator is invoked

After that I just added .orderBy and the error is gone, but I am not able to find any document.
Is this the orderBy limitation of the Plugin or did I miss something.

Thank you!

Thank you for your message @HaniMontana !

Let me check the issue!

If possible, could you share the minimal reproducible code sample?

Thank you,


As you see the following part:


I think the query executed in the end is going to like this:

    .where('lastUpdateTimestamp', isGreaterThan: someTimestamp)

It requires composite index, but do you create the index, probably clicking the console error URL link or from the Cloud Firestore console?

Hi @kosukesaigusa
Thanks for your support.

In the following you can finde the code snippet. I hope it helps.

final typedCollectionReference =
          fromFirestore: (ds, _) => UserCol.fromDocumentSnapshot(ds),
          toFirestore: (obj, _) => obj.toJson(),

    Query<UserCol> queryBuilder(Query<UserCol> query) =>
    query.where("lastpositionupdate", isGreaterThanOrEqualTo:  Utils.fromDateTimeToJson(referenceDate)).orderBy('lastpositionupdate').orderBy('position.geohash'); 

  final Stream<List<DocumentSnapshot<UserCol>>> stream =
            .subscribeWithin(center: visibleLocation, radiusInKm: filter.radius, field: 'position', geopointFrom: (UserCol user) => user.geopoint,
      // Specify queryBuilder parameter here.
      queryBuilder: queryBuilder,
      strictMode: true,
    await for (final documentList in stream) {
      for (var i = 0; i < documentList.length; i++) {
          userCol = documentList[i].data() as UserCol;     

I tried with both orderby, but it thows an error:
[cloud_firestore/invalid-argument] Client specified an invalid argument. Note that this differs from failed-precondition. invalid-argument indicates arguments that are problematic regardless of the state of the system (e.g., an invalid field name).

When I only use on orderby, there is no error, but there is no data.
When I change from isGreater than to isEqualTo and remove the orderby everythign works well.

And the point with .startAt(['someStartGeohash']).endAt(['someEndGeohash']) I didnt get how to use it...