
VisUI 1.5.2 release

Closed this issue · 2 comments

czyzby commented
  • Update to libGDX 1.12.0.
  • Release a stable version.

Thanks @czyzby. Btw you should be able to do those changes without waiting for my PR review, though if you prefer doing it this way that's fine too.

I noticed the snapshot build fails on release commit, I guess something I didn't configure... harmless though.

czyzby commented

It's OK - if you have the time to review those PRs, I don't mind waiting for the approval. I might miss something.

I noticed the snapshot build fails on release commit, I guess something I didn't configure... harmless though.

I think it attempts to sign the archives and fails on that. I added a separate snapshot upload task in KTX to avoid similar issues - not sure if you can reuse it here though.