
Feature Request: Middle click to lower active window

m-anand opened this issue · 3 comments

Middle control on the title bar to lower the window is achievable normally. Can a similar option be included in the mouse controls section?

I probably don't know what exactly lowering is. Middle clicking on window titlebar is doing nothing for me. Also I cannot find "lower" in context menu of the title bar (after right click). Is there an option somewhere to enable the lowering?

Thank you for getting back to me on this. The option to lower a window is in Window Management>Window Behavior>Titlebar actions. I have set the middle button click on titlebar to the action 'lower'. It basically allows for quickly bringing up a window behind a maximized window when you need to, instead of hitting alt+tab. I found this to be a very useful feature in the Unity desktop.
I believe if this feature can be implemented here, this would be the last thing any Unity user seeking refuge would need. I hope I was able to convey the meaning correctly.

Unfortunately it is not directly possible to "lower" a window from plasma widget. But I'll investigate ways to solve this. It will probably be just a matter of extending the interface provided by TaskManager.TaskModel object of Plasma.