
Feature request : "limit text width" applied conditionally (both window name and global menu too long)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi ! Here's an example of my configuration. As I'd like to save as much space as possible I do not use a dock and have my applications launcher in the middle of the panel.


Even though I specified an horizontal space for the active-window-control widget, obviously, if I have both the window name and the global menu displayed, it sometimes exceeds the aforementioned limit and overlaps my icons.

--> there is a "limit text width" option in the "appearance" tab. Unfortunately, it only applies to the first part (the window name) regardless of whether the total size with the global menu is too long or not.

-> would it be possible to have an option to limit the overall width of the window title + menu group, only when required ? (and have the full window title displayed the rest of the time even if it's quite long).

Cheers !!
Using : Manjaro KDE, Plasma 5.11.x at this moment, GIT version of plasma-applet-active-window-control from AUR

Hi! If I understand correctly, you want the width of the widget to be flexible based on needed width but with a maximum-limit. Is that correct?

Hi ! Well, I don't really understand how flexible widgets sizes etc. are managed in Plamoids.

But my suggestion was quite simpler ; considering :

  • it is already possible to set a "limit text width" value and it's already possible to set a constant total size for the Active Window Control widget ; so it should enable to position it properly
  • if you choose to display both the window title and the global menu next to it, the "limit text width" only applies to the window title ; and the size of the widget can be exceeded and is thus not respected if there are too many menus items

My suggestion was, when both items are displayed (title + menu) that :
1st possibility : that the "limit text width" would apply to BOTH the title and the menu
2nd possibility : that the "limit text width" could (another option ?) be applied to the window name only if the total width of the title + menu exceeded the chosen widget width value
3rd possibility : that, if the chosen widget width is exceeded, the remaining menu items that would otherwise overlap with other widgets would be in sub-menus

At the moment, it's quite frequent stuff get overlapped, depending on several factors...

Cheers ! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this :-)