
Can't get global menu on Plasma 5.12

Opened this issue · 34 comments

I tried every setting in the applet but can't handle the global menu to show up.

me too. no global menu on plasma 5.12

used latest git version too

Same here, using latest source from phabricator. This is the error from .xsession errors when you try to enable it

qml: initializing appMenuModel...
qml: appMenuModel failed to initialize: Error: Qt.createQmlObject(): failed to create object:
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.activeWindowControl/contents/ui/inline:1:89: module "org.kde.private.activeWindowControl" is not installed
qml: initializing appmenu...DONE null

This is where it's failing,

import org.kde.private.activeWindowControl 1.0 as ActiveWindowControlPrivate;\

As I've never written a line of KDE/Qt5/Plasma, that's as far as I can go.

I'm getting the same issue. On latest git version of Active Window Control from kde's cgit.

An update: seems to not work with the default plasma panel bar. The global context menu does work with a Latte Dock panel however, which is what I switched to using.

trmdi commented

Do you use Plasma Wayland or X?

this should be mentioned in the description or FAQ!

iwex commented

Any news regarding this issue?

I think I just had to install it from the aur and then it worked - I think Arch's AUR repo pulls from master

iwex commented

@IgnusG I've installed it directly from git - but with no success

trmdi commented

What distro do you use?

iwex commented

@trmdi manjaro 17.1

trmdi commented

Can you try creating a new user, then add the widget from the AUR package? (Not the one from KDE store)

iwex commented

@trmdi no changes

trmdi commented

Can you run this command: plasmawindowed org.kde.activeWindowControl ?
Then right click on the window opened by that command > Configure > Application Menu > Enable
And see what it says in the terminal?
Remember to focus on Konsole before hovering the mouse over the Active Widget Control window.

iwex commented

@trmdi hmm, very strange, but i have application menu in that opened window.

trmdi commented

Did you enable the App menu for the widget on the Plasma panel?

iwex commented

@trmdi yes :)

Also it works in Latte Dock, but not in default panel...

iwex commented

@trmdi 9/28/18 12:32 PM plasmashell file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.activeWindowControl/contents/ui/AppMenu.qml:161: Error: Cannot assign QObject* to AppMenuModel*
In journald

iwex commented

@trmdi hmm, now works in panel...

trmdi commented

Congrats! What did you do?

iwex commented

@trmdi idk, i've compiled it from aur and then logged out. But it didn't help. After some time I rebooted my computer and now it works..

trmdi commented

Hmm.. sound like a cache issue. Anyone else should try removing all the caches if you still can't make it run. Good luck. :D

It's started working for me too. I just rebuild the phabricator version (what Arch AUR uses).

I didn't do anything, code hasn't been updated. Perhaps there was an underlying issue with plasma.

Hmm.. sound like a cache issue. Anyone else should try removing all the caches if you still can't make it run. Good luck. :D

please tell how to do that?

iwex commented

@krushndayshmookh just install it from AUR, or if you don't have arch based distro - use https://phabricator.kde.org/source/plasma-active-window-control/ this repo (all instructions in INSTALL file)

trmdi commented

Hmm.. sound like a cache issue. Anyone else should try removing all the caches if you still can't make it run. Good luck. :D

please tell how to do that?

First, you have to be sure that you're using the latest version in the phabricator page.
Then, if it still doesn't work, try removing the widget on the panel, then removing all the cache in ~/.cache, then relogin and add it again and configure the widget to enable the App Menu.

Fresh install, it's happening again.

qml: appMenuModel failed to initialize: Error: Qt.createQmlObject(): failed to create object:
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.activeWindowControl/contents/ui/inline:1:89: module "org.kde.private.activeWindowControl" is not installed

I'm on Debian buster with kde 5.13.5, X and latte dock but global menu doesn't work
I have already try to clear ~/.cache folder but don't solve the problem.

I have try to install the widget from kde and also from https://phabricator.kde.org/source/plasma-active-window-control/repository/master/ but the result doen't change



trmdi commented

You could use the stock Global menu in combination with psifidotos/applet-window-title and psifidotos/applet-window-buttons.
They're much better.

@trmdi thanks. While the two widget that you're talking about I know them, where can I find the "stock global menu"?

Ok @trmdi , I have found the stock global menu in the default widgets list. Basically it works but the applications that I use more like PhpSttorm, Visual Studio Code, IntellijIdea ecc doesn't work. I have read about a project named Jayatana for this kind of programms. Do you know it?

trmdi commented


psifidotos has forked Global menu widget, named applet-window-appmenu , you can try that and make a new issue in his Github repo if you want.

jakiw commented

I am also on Manjaro and installed the git version from the AUR. Neither the plasma dock nor the Latte dock show the application menu. Restarting also did not help.