
Hide titlebar for maximized windows not remembered after reboot

Opened this issue · 12 comments

I'm using plasmoid version 1.7.4. When I reboot, the hide titlebar option is not checked so I have to enter awc settings and check it, after that, everything works ok until I reboot where the option is not checked again

Hello! I really like your job, it helps me a lot. Thank you very much.
I would like to report you a problem, the option to hide the window bar to be only displayed on the taskbar is disabled when the pc is restarted. Can you adjust this? I use kde in linux manbird ..

I'm using the latte dock

trmdi commented

I'm using the latte dock

See my comment above.

trmdi commented

Just curious, with the default setting of Latte-dock, does Latte touch the BorderlessMaximizedWindows value in the kwinrc file?

trmdi commented

Do you see the Answer for the question "Q: Latte v0.8 deactivates Borderless Maximized Windows from Active Window Control plasmoid, what can I do ?"

I did this procedure however when pc is restarted this option is cleared.

I come home at night if you can, you can enter my machine via remote to verify

you must disable the AWC option in order for Latte to work correctly

Você vê a Resposta para a pergunta "Q: O Latte v0.8 desativa o Windows Sem Fronteiras Maximizadas a partir do plasmoid Active Window Control, o que posso fazer?"

I would like to thank you for the immense help you have given me and the answer was really that. I did the procedure:

**Q: Latte v0.8 disables the Maximized Borderless Windows of plasmoid Active Window Control, what can I do?
A: Latte v0.8 supports boundless maximized windows per layout simultaneously. For this to work, he had to endure this inwardly. You can try the following:

Disable Windows Maximized with BorderLess from the "Active Window Control"
Go to Latte Settings -> Layouts -> Select the tab (Preferences) and enable "Support for borderless maximized windows in different layouts"
Return to your layouts and a new column named "Borderless" must have been added, add a check mark in that column to the layout you want the feature to and click Apply.
ADD: then I returned to the Layouts screen and selected without border and it was perfect.**

this wedget is very important to me makes me very productive thank you very much.

how to use minimize maximize close buttons from latte kde panel, and cinnamon panel?