
duplicate menu

wesleyalmeida opened this issue · 10 comments

Hi, why the duplicate menu can help me?

Zren commented

You added 2 instances of the widget.

  1. Unlock the widgets
  2. Hit the "configure panel" icon
  3. Hover the 2nd menu widget
  4. Hit remove
  5. Lock the widgets


Removing one also erases the other

Zren commented

Does the other one reappear after a relog?

i arrived from work relog still remains duplicated

Zren commented

This should guide you through removing one of the menus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy2lYEVbD3g

How did you install the widget btw?

trmdi commented

Try removing the whole top panel then create a new one.

I installed the version of the active window control of github the global menu did not appear I added the global menu widget duplicated the menu.

Zren commented

Did you clone this repo (out of date) or did you clone the KDE github mirror repo as mentioned in #148?

git clone https://github.com/KDE/plasma-active-window-control

I used this link to install https://github.com/KDE/plasma-active-window-control that must be what went wrong.

thanks everyone has been resolved with this link git clone https://github.com/KDE/plasma-active-window-control