endymecy opened this issue · 1 comments
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I1021 17:04:18.664741 2783232960 tfmodel.cc:64] Reading file to proto: ~/nlp/kcws/kcws/models/pos_model.pbtxt
I1021 17:04:18.665886 2783232960 tfmodel.cc:69] Creating session.
I1021 17:04:18.665904 2783232960 tfmodel.cc:77] Tensorflow graph loaded from: ~/nlp/kcws/kcws/models/pos_model.pbtxt
E1021 17:04:18.666517 2783232960 tfmodel.cc:88] Error during inference: Invalid argument: Session was not created with a graph before Run()!
2017-10-21 17:04:18.666572: E kcws/cc/tf_seg_model.cc:239] Error during get trans tensors:
F1021 17:04:18.666611 2783232960 seg_backend_api.cc:49] Check failed: model.LoadModel(FLAGS_model_path, FLAGS_vocab_path, FLAGS_max_sentence_len, FLAGS_user_dict_path) Load model error
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
Abort trap: 6