
LWJGL Test program fails from jar

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Upon running the LWJGL test program from the provided jar, this exception occurs

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not hierarchical
at java.io.File.(Unknown Source)
at gln.program.Program.createShader(program.kt:173)
at gln.program.Program.(program.kt:100)
at imgui.impl.LwjglGL3$ProgramA.(LwjglGL3.kt:234)
at imgui.impl.LwjglGL3.createDeviceObjects(LwjglGL3.kt:159)
at imgui.impl.LwjglGL3.newFrame(LwjglGL3.kt:108)
at s.TTest.loop(TTest.java:95)
at s.TTest.run(TTest.java:53)
at s.TTest.main(TTest.java:17)

Still a gradle noob, got the stuff to download but imports not showing up. This came up, looks like a GLN issue, but wasn't sure if it was your implementation or not. Let me know!

That's an old bug that has been long fixed.

However it seems it's still in the last release, I just published a new one, try that

Works! Thanks for fixing so quickly, looking forward to trying this!

Glad to hear that. Have fun!