
demos or examples?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Can you please provide some demos or samples so I can use imgui with kotlin?

Thank you!


sure, just clone the project and run this test


It looks awesome!

2017-12-20 09_59_52-imgui lwjgl opengl3 example

I'm gonna be using imgui for a big project, so you'll be seeing me around here for a long time.

Thank you so much!

Me gusta muchissimo que te gusta :D

You must be around for such a looong time because I need all the cool screenshots you can deliver, dear, no escape ^^

Ps: you can turn off debug messages with DEBUG = false

Don't hesitate opening it again if you need something else

eres un amor!
I'll be posting my progress
but wait... do you speak spanish?

Un poquito, soy italiano, muy similare..