
Issue with building the project as a java application: java.lang.String org.gradle.api.tasks.SourceSet.getCompileConfigurationName()

Medkallel opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi I'm getting the following error when building the project as a java desktop app: 'java.lang.String org.gradle.api.tasks.SourceSet.getCompileConfigurationName()' in line 38


Could you please indicate what the problem is and also what jdk version should I use

Hi, thanks for the bug report!

  • Which gradle task did you try to run when you got this error?

  • Which JDK version did you use? In case I have to state it as incompatible.

    • I'm using OpenJDK 11 and the IntelliJ IDEA bundled one (under /jbr) interchangeably with no problems.

Hi again,
I was trying to run the ./gradlew shadowJar task
I used JDK 11 as well as 17, didn't work with either

I've just updated gradle and the project's dependencies, in case that helps (a lot has changed on Kotlin Multiplatofmr in the last 2 years).

Can you please try again and see if that's fixed it?

Also, which OS are you using?

actually it seems the shadowJar task is still broken. Please stand by

Okay, I've migrated another dependency, and found that the JavaFX GUi was causing too many problems.

I've commented it out for now, with the intention being to replace it with Jetpack Compose at a later date. Sorry if this was what you were hoping to use; if you're determined to get the GUI to work as-is, I recommend you try compiling & running with JDK 8.