
How to get the entire AST instead of just the summary?

ToineHulshof opened this issue · 10 comments


The title says it basically. How do you get the entire AST, with DefaultAstNodes converted to the Klass Data classes, from a kotlinfile. In the example the following function is invoked:


This function does not include the body of a function for example.
I tried to create my own function:


private val completeTreeMap: TreeMap = DefaultTreeMap(

fun List<Ast>.complete(): AstResult<List<Ast>> {
    return completeTreeMap.treeMap(this)

fun Ast.complete(): AstResult<List<Ast>> {
    return listOf(this).complete()

I tried to change the Mappers in the DefaultTreeMap, but couldn't get a configuration to be able to visit the statements in the body of functions.

Hopefully this is enough information to be able to resolve my problem.

Thanks in advance!


Here is a unit test file containing a function inside a class:

This is the "raw" AST:

And this is the result of summary():

So you want to use this part of the summary result, for example of "annotated2":

    KlassDeclaration(fun annotated2 Int)
      KlassModifier(private, visibilityModifier)
      KlassDeclaration(parameter x Int)

but you also want to access the "raw" AST of this "annotated2" function?
(Lines 294-424:

It should be possible to attach the raw ast to the summary nodes, I will look into this.

Hi @ToineHulshof,

I added a new "raw" Field to Klass (and therefore all sub classes like KlassDeclaration):

sealed class Klass() : AstGroup {
    abstract val raw: Ast


You can now call kotlinFile.summary(), look for a KlassDeclaration in the result and call raw on it.

Please let me know if this is your use case. The new code is already located in the master branch.

Hi @drieks

Thanks for the quick reply! I think this is what I had in mind, although I have not tested it yet, since I am currently accessing your build through Jitpack, which is not updated at the moment. As I am quite new to Kotlin development, I don't know how to use your master branch in another way (except for downloading the entire repo and adding it to my project, which might be a possibility).

Hi @ToineHulshof,

please try version bc66e2da3a using jitpack.


I added a new Option:
kotlinFile.summary(attachRawAst = true)

attachRawAst: Boolean is now a required argument for summary.

The Version is c35b50fa44


I am having the same issue and I turned attachRawAst to true in the Example files and it's not changing the output. Is there more I have to do for it to work?


Hi @miniyoung84,

you can see the {{RawAst}} e.g. in the debugger:

It is not printed because normally it is very big...

Hello @drieks ,

Thank you so much for your answer. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but may I ask what debugger is being used there? I'm unable to locate it on mine.

Hi @miniyoung84, the Screenshot was taken from IntelliJ IDEA (https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/jvm-get-started.html)